Monday 11 July 2011

Absolutely terrified...

After hearing some stories, I decided to purchase Amnesia: The Dark Decent from steam, as it was £3.50 in the steam summer camp sale, couldn't resist!

Being a large fan of horror movies, a highly rated horror game was surely the next step. What I didn't expect from playing this game, was me sitting curled up in my chair, scared to move because the game is so tense.

Although it isn't your common, BOO! RAWR! look im a scary ghost in your face, horror, its allows you to build the fear in your head, making it far more terrifying then can even be imagined... really, if I had pictures of my face I am sure it would be hilarious.

I haven't got far but I am looking forward to the apparent terrors that are worse than what I have already experienced.

Seriously recommend this game to anyone looking for a good horror game and wants to support a good indie games company, or someone that needs a highly successful constipation aid.